Sunday, February 23, 2014


I always plan my schedule when it comes to getting my school work done. But after being gone for a week, it is really hard to get back into schedule. Not to mention I have had a headache all day today. You could say I AM A LITTLE STRESSED. Last night I had a dream that I killed a human and killed two animals. I did a little research and it said that I am stressed. Well Go Figure. I could of told myself that before reading it. I officially have 9 weeks left in the classroom. Some days I don't think I can do it, but I know once May 10th gets here I will be so happy. You should see the amount of count downs I have all over my room. Got one on my mirror, one on my white board, two schedules that I cross off every week, another schedule that I haven't touched, and the numorous about of count downs in my school notebooks. The adrinaline rush I get when I scratch off or mark off each week (or day) makes me feel like I could conqure the world! I guess I am writing this because I am so excited to mark off another week, but I'm really avoiding writing three lesson plans that are due tomorrow. I am really over school, but I'm stressing myself out by not doing any of my work. Well, let me get off here and get busy. I think I will drink and ADVOCARE SLAM. Those things are the best healthy energy drink EVA!

Greek Irene

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